Friday, September 5, 2008

Why I will Vote McCain

Well Done, McCain. A tad flat in the beginning but you picked up speed. I had to simmer Tyler down (and I admit myself a tad) after the camera shifted attention to those a**hat clowns that interrupted the speech. Who the hell cares about them (truly, who cares?) and how classless do you have to be? Seriously. AND THEY are supposed to 'represent' the New Democrat?

Please. It's embarrassing and not at all in the good taste of politics. Save the mudslinging for the politicians. They're bred for it. WE are meant to make the good sense of voting for our officials. Act like an American. Don't be a twat.

McCain is a decent speaker - no Sarah Palin, that's for sure. BUT that's not why I am voting for him. I'm not someone who is easily wowed by bright lights and glitzy red carpet roll outs for the Hollywood stars. Do THEY care about my kids school? Or MY taxes? Or how to protect OUR borders? Or more over our men in uniform?Why should I care what they think about oil prices when they drive in limos and fly first class? Why is it that the Democrats think that by ruling the elites in Hollywood and the media they will sway me? Do they honestly believe that all that pomp and fluff bowled me over?

I think not. So John McCain isn't the best orator. Big deal. I've known plenty of great leaders who couldn't speak a lick to save a donkey. I'll save the public speaking to Palin, who I think is fantastic. Give me someone who has conviction. Someone who has America in his fore-most thought. My family, his second. Give me someone who is willing to withstand pain to defend what he believes in: freedom, democracy, equality, faith, and but most of all US as a country...a people. I had two grandfathers were apart of the war generations and both served honorably. My family is a proud bunch of patriots and it's quite nice to see such a remarkable family in the McCain's. They are ALL to be applauded and commended for that - and Democrats must realize that at least.

That's why I'm voting for McCain. I trust him. I believe he will do what is best for this NATION. And me.

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